It’s heavy, it’s big, it covers part of your viewfinder, it takes a lot run to focus properly, it’s VERY expensive, so why….
Because it gives you a special feeling that it’s not easy to explain writing a short post. A lot of users say that having the 50 Summilux there is no need for the Noctilux. This is true, I totally agree with them BUT, if you practice with the Noctilux, also at f 1.4/1,8/2,0 there are important differences…. these could be important or not, but these are there. Differences that you think to have from the multiple articles or publication you can read on the web or on paper. In reality, It’s a personal feeling. I’m going into this. I have the 50 Summilux, I love that lens but for some events, some assignments, I know I HAVE to use the Noctilux. It was not an easy decision but finally I bought it. Crazy? Probably yes, I’m not a reach man or married with a rich woman. I’m a photographer that loves to use the natural light and if the light is low… I need a fast lens and not ISO.
I post here a shot I did at 2500 ISO, f 0.95, 1/30 using my Leica M Monochrom CCD; I was in a very small and dark, really dark, church, None was in if not the little man who was praying.
My brain,eye and hart were on line and… I got it. Nothing special, nothing extremely exciting but, for sure, something nice for me.
Focus point is the left arm and shoulder of the man.